· Callum Judd · Committee Meeting Summaries · 4 min read
October 2024 Commitee Meeting Summary
Back again to update anybody interested in what we've discussed at our committee meetings and what's changing at Berkshire Royals.
Club Feedback
A continued thank you to all those giving us valuable feedback that we discuss at these meetings.
If you’d like to provide feedback, you can do so here. We welcome all ideas, feedback and criticism.
Competitive Team Selection
Several of you have given feedback on upcoming team selection with regards to transparency, criteria and feedback. I won’t go into all the outcomes of that here as there will be larger section below on that topic but we completely agree with the points raised here and we’ve attempted to address them through the use of a team selection committee as opposed to an advisory committee.
New Player Feedback
Due to a lack of committee attendance, through sickness, holidays, injuries and life, we’ve not been as good at supporting new players joining the club recently. We should be making use of our existing experienced regular members to help guide newer players into the sport and club when we’re not as readily available.
Going forward, we’d like to buddy newer players up with a more experienced, integrated player throughout their sessions whilst they learn rules, integrate, get to know the other club members etc. This could sometimes be committee members and other times experienced club members. This should alleviate some of the pain points of newer players through having a consistent point of contact.
Christmas Social
Our Christmas social will be announced soon. Expect it to be on a Friday/Saturday in late November early December.
Our coach, Michael, would like to make a few changes to support team selection, coaching and improving our competitive teams going forward.
Coaches for each team
It’s hard for Michael to watch and understand everyone whilst also playing himself. We would like to experiment with a designated coach for each team, whose job it will be to help that team improve as well as feed back information to Michael to help inform his decisions and future coaching planning. This would be someone not directly on that team (but can still be a player on another team). Details to come.
Pre-season friendlies
We’re hoping to be in a position before nationals where we can play some friendlies against relatively local clubs so we’re in the best shape possible for nationals starting in December.
Tuesday and Thursday training and drills.
As part of our Tuesday sessions whilst games are going on as usual, Michael would like to introduce a rotating coaching court, where a team will take part in short drills or training plans devised by Michael. We’ve had very mixed feedback on drills and exercises during Tuesday sessions in the past so this session wouldn’t be more than 10 or so minutes to keep this at a minimum during our social session of the week.
Thursday is our primary place for competitive training and with the feedback Michael would be receiving from the aforementioned team coaches, training exercises would be devised to help rectify errors in our real games.
That’s all for coaching.
Team Selection
Last year, we tried to make the competitive team selection process more transparent and fair through the use of an advisory committee. We’d like go a little further with that this year as we’ve had lots of feedback that parts of the process can still feel unfair or unclear.
Instead of an advisory committee to our captain, David, a team selection committee will be formed. Everyone on this committee will have an equal say as to which player is placed in which team, and everyone’s votes on any decisions being made are worth the same. Only in the event of any ties will the captain have the final say.
This committe of 6 members will consist of:
- Our captain, David
- Our coach, Michael
- At least 1 other player who was able to observe/play in the previous years competitive teams.
- At least 1 female player.
with any remaining slots available filled as best suited. David already has several people that have shown interest in being part of the CAS, now selection commitee, so thank you for putting yourselves forward.
This process should help alleviate a lot of concerns members have had with regards to previous years’ selections as it’s not longer down to a single invidual. If we need to take futher steps after reviewing this process in a few months time, then we will. Your feedback will be crucial in this.
Team selection date specifically has not been chosen yet but you can expect it to be around the end of this month.
That’s all folks. Any questions, please reach out in-person or in messenger, or provide feedback through the form here.
Callum (Club Secretary)